SAMSoft Startpage

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The trademark SAMSoft® was foundated in the early nineties. Under this label a highly motivated group of electronics and software engineers started to offer software-solutions for customers in business and industry. SAMSoft® stands for solid, water-proof and well documented software systems. With flexible and reliable project groups our customers are accompanied over periods of many years.

We offer you a full service which covers knowledge engineerig, design, development, installation, integration and support. Generally, we perform all single tasks from analysis up to training and maintenance. And also, if the only problem is your team to be incomplete, we stand ready to fill the vacant position and work directly in your team.


Need a piece of individual software? Do you have a project in your business, but don't know how to carry it out? Do not longer hesitate to contact us. Ask is free ;-)

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We are located in Augsburg, Germany. If you are interested to have a partner in the heart of good old Europe, click on the phone booth on the left hand side and fill out the contact form. Thank you!



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© 1990-2015
SAMSoft® Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Meisel
Engineering Office for Software Development